Sunday, March 28, 2010

Roller racing @ the Mont 24hr

Good times @ the Mont 24hr on friday night,

I recon a certain cycling cafe in Canberra should hold roller racing nights, It would go off!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sick of waiting

Ahh sick and tired of waiting for bike parts from online stores. Maybe I should support the local bike store, if only they aren't all full of pratts. So I decided to draw a picture of what my bike will hopefully look like when its finished.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Something to aim for

For me its about the bike.

only Annie could get Lance to do this.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Team Dihard Crit Racing

Sweating blood to place outside the top ten. Another well executed team ride...

Waiting on the side line for the crit to start. There was talk of smashing it from the start so we had to be up front from the get go.

'the track's that way boys' says the team manager

3 Peaks A Team

The A team warming up the day before the 3 Peaks. Please note the sunny sky.

Sarah Michelle Geller rides a bike.

Sarah Michelle Gellar rides a bike.

Even better:  Brad Pitt rides a bike holding a moleskine.

Even much better: Brad and Angelina ride bikes.

Salvador Dali walks anteaters – Salvador Dali wins!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Ride Journal

The Ride is a independently produced UK based magazine. not a traditional cycling magazine, it does not focus on any specific discipline and is more about personal stories of bike obsession, with some fantastic photography and illustrations as well.

They are up to their 3rd issue and have a few distributors in Australia and the list is growing. Their 1st issue is available to download from their site

Definitely worth checking out!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Puzzle Punks bike renovations part three

Wheels on, Gears on, Cranks on, and waiting on some more parts.
Note: the colour matched red cabling on the rear for increased masturbatory efficiency when cycling.

And Matt here is another pic of my dog, here he is looking either really happy or suicidal, it's hard to tell.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 Peaks Challenge

What attracts around 1250 cyclists to massacre themselves on a such a difficult course? in hellish weather, with a 7:00 a.m. start? who knows?

230kms through Victoria's alpine region, and around 4000 metres of vertical climbing , it was always going to be tough, but throw in heavy rain and freezing temperatures, it made it an absolute epic not to forget.

The highlight was definitely the climb up Mt Hotham, A 30km climb, most of it in driving rain, except for the last section in the open where the rain cleared for a moment, the road just seemed to kick upwards around every corner. The views were spectacular, unfortunately no photos, there was no way I was going to stop in the high winds and sleet that was falling.

With only one of us crossing the line, and the remaining four of us having a major blowout, and or getting convinced to get in the sag wagon at the top of Raspberry Hill as the temperature dropped and winds picked up. A bit painful being 20kms from the finish and not being able to go on when you still have some in the tank. We all got over it pretty quickly with the help of some tequila and scotch when we got back to base.

We all still got that friggin finishers jersey though, and to be honest, that's all I wanted!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Puzzles Punk's project bike part two

OK so far it's matte black (its easier to get away with shoddy workmanship using matte paint) and the tyres are red. I think Im a bit high from the paint fumes. Does anyone know a good way to clean off the black gunk from spokes and rims etc?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Colour scheme option

Hot pink wheels with black tyres and done.

Puzzle Punk's Tange project bike part one

Well the easy part is done - smashing into little bits. Colour scheme idea's anyone?

....and yes Ante, Tange is a brand -

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

North American Hand Made Bike Show

(image by fhartha via flickr)

Check out the awesome bikes at the NAHBS 2010 flickr pool

some crazy details!